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Year: 2015
Author: Petr Janeček, Eduard Janeček

Ampacity monitor

Software enables monitoring a transmission capacity of electric power lines (Ampacity) in real time, using synchronous measurements of voltage and current phasors from the both ends of the monitored line and the ambient temperature. The line ampacity is calculated based on the estimated value of its resistance at 20 degrees Celsius. Ampacity management depends both on the ambient temperature and wind that affects the cooling of the loaded line. Ampacity is estimated under consideration of the most unfavorable situation in terms of zero wind speed therefore, its capacity is lowest at the ambient temperature . This option helps suppress the risk associated with situations where a part of the line may be located on the lee place, which could lead to its overloading. Moreover, the line temperature is monitored in order to avoid damage of the line due to overload.

ampacity monitor


Contact for obtaining a licence:

Eduard Janeček
Univerzitní 8, 
30614, Plzeň 

Tel: +420 377 632 506

Confirmation of usage

Software Ampacity Monitor was developed with financial support of TA CR under project TE01020197 - Centre for Applied Cybernetics 3.

TA CR logo

Contact form

This software is protected by license. To download or get more information, please fill in the form below: